The Code for Sustainable Homes (CfSH) is a nationally recognised assessment method for rating and certifying the performance of new homes. Homes are awarded ratings from 1 to 6 based on their performance against 9 design categories.
The CSfH offers an independently accredited, government-endorsed, sustainability rating for new build housing. This rating can be used to authoritatively define and recognise a 'green' home.
There are nine key areas of sustainable design principles:
The CSH assessment process comprises three stages:
This is the initial assessment based upon assumptions after looking at drawings from early planning stages. No evidence is required at this stage, it is an approximation and gives the developer/owner a target for credits which are likely to be achievable in the next stage. This assessment can be altered as the Design Stage develops and evidence is gathered. This assessment is required to accompany planning applications.
This is the formal evidence gathering stage. The Code Assessor receives and organises evidence supplied by the project manager (this could be the client/main contractor/architect or a combination), and ensures all the criteria set within the CfSH Technical Guide have been met for that stage.
This evidence is usually in the form of detailed drawings/specifications, 'As Designed' SAP, letters of commitment from the developer and other professional reports such as a hydrologist or ecology report.
Once this stage has been successfully completed an Interim Certificate is issued. This needs to be forwarded to the Planning Officer to sign off the relevant planning condition. The build stage can then commence - this must be carried out in accordance with all the evidence supplied.
The final stage involves checking that everything has been carried out as per the Design Stage, and amending the credits if necessary where changes may have occurred. Once the evidence has been gathered for each credit and a site visit carried out the evidence is submitted to our accreditation body (Stroma), who issue a final certificate.
At Bullock Consulting our fully accredited CSfH assessor can provide guidance and advice through all the stages of Code for Sustainable Homes Assessments.